After Thanksgiving we watched Kung Fu Panda and the girls made Christmas lists on the computer. They have taped them to my kitchen wall, I am guessing they are concerned I won't see them! :) The problem is that the older they get the more expensive the gifts they want to get. I think most things on the lists are over $100 :)
Here is the grand sampling:
- Wii
- Nintendo DS
- Motor Scooter
- Keyboard
- Sewing machine
- Digital Camera
- A Huge Doll House
Hmmmmm....what happened to Barbies and craft projects?
(of course this is not what they are asking for from others, just their excessively wealthy parents :)
Oh yeah...and of course Webkinz....I will be glad when they are out of this stage :) The dang things have to be "fed", etc., "every day" otherwise they get sick and die...what great online pets!!! An excuse to be on the computer...because "mommmmmm, I have to....otherwise my pet will die!" insert whining voice....yes, that would certainly be a disaster...
Then they have a category called "other" on their lists, which they informed me could include small items like clothing or jewelry. Oh, ok....much more reasonable...
Christmas lists bring back one of my favorite memories of my brother Seth. I think he was around 4 or 5 years old and he brought his Christmas list out to give everyone....the WHOLE entire list was food!!! And I think it was at least 25 items long....
Hamburgers, chocolate bars, ice cream, candy, hot dogs, chips....and on and on....
You would think the child had been locked in a closet and starved (or maybe he had to fight off all his older siblings to find any food in the house!)
That was the best Christmas list ever, Seth, I have laughed about it for years!
And speaking of Seth... congratulations to him and his wife Angel on their new baby, Levi!!! Yeah!!! What a great Thanksgiving gift....I am only sad that I will not be able to meet him at Christmas :(
And also congrats to my other brother Matt and wife Dani....pregnant with number 3!!! :)
Hannah and Abigail are very excited to have more new cousins!! Abigail wants to know why she can't have a baby sister, though, and I told her it is because she IS the baby sister!