Sunday, October 19, 2008

My wonderful sister-in-law

So while we were in Europe, my sister-in-law, Nicole (and her kids) came from Ohio and took on my life for over 2 weeks!! She took my kids to school, disciplined four children, went to our church, drove our cars and basically gave up her own life to live mine! Her gracious husband, Doug, allowed her to stay for 3 weeks total. Doug joined us at the end of her stay and when we got home. He was hoping to get some great Arizona weather, and instead it was cold and rainy the whole 3 days he was here !! She even helped the kids have a lemonade stand...she is much more patient than me!!

Check out the fine print on the says "we wash our hands!" too cute!! :)

The cool part about all this, is Nicole came and watched our kids so we could go on this amazing trip to Europe, which has always been her (Nov 2008), we just found out that she and Doug (and the kids of course) are going to get to live in France for 2 years for Doug's job! How cool is that??!!! We will certainly be visiting :) MY kids can't wait! Hope they can learn to walk without complaining before that.....

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