Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So I am almost caught up!!!

July: Yes, the girls went back to school in July! July 30th to be exact...photo:

David also started his job on July 6th and we have full benefits right away! Yeah...Hannah can finally get new glasses! My kids are mostly ecstatic that we will have money so that they can have TV once again :)

David spent a week of training in Kansas City...he says the BBQ there is by far the best he has ever had!

We had a huge monsoon in mid-July that knocked down a couple huge trees in our backyard! We were really glad we are renting :) as the landlord paid to have them cleaned up and will plant new trees in the fall.

Doug and Nicole and the kiddos came to visit for a week just before they moved to France...we had an awesome time and are missing them already! Hooray for Skype :)

Just before school started we spent a couple days at a resort called The Pointe at Squaw Peak. It was nice to just relax by the pool for a couple days before we launched back into life!

Abigail started soccer clinics that David is running for her team every Saturday. She is learning to juggle and is doing headers for the first time! There were a few bloody noses the first week...not Abigail's...

1 comment:

  1. wow, girls are looking good! gotta love the AZ weather! Tell Hannah, I like her looks with her contacts! Very pretty =)

    Yes, full benefits... couldn't imagine what that would be like. haha, good thing I don't go to the doc much... well i guess that's changing a bit! hee hee
