Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Updating the last 6 Months!

Ok...Ok...I am finally updating our blog for the last 6 months! They have been a blur it seems, and no we did not fall off the face of the earth. So I will try to briefly recap since January :)

January: After we moved in David got this nasty growth on the end of his finger that kept bleeding all over...it was lovely...so he ended up having to have surgery to have it removed.

February: Hannah was sliding over the banister and fell head first onto the stairs below and broke her lower jaw. It was really scary, there was blood everywhere and we had to take her to emergency. It ended up that her braces held everything together and she didn't need surgery, praise God! She just couldn't open her mouth for a few days and had to "eat" protein shakes through a straw :) Her teacher brought balloons and cards over from all the kids in her class, it was really sweet. This happened right before her birthday party, so we had to have a belated friend party in March. She was also taking iceskating lessons, which she had to quit and then go back and finish later:( poor thing :( It was a rough few weeks of recovery.

Family birthday celebration pictures:)

In January David also started looking for a new job. Our income had been seriously declining since May, and we knew it was time to make a change, but it ended up being a much longer and harder process than we thought it would be.

1 comment:

  1. Woo Hoo!! You are alive! Love the updates! I got your message... I will call you back! Miss you!!
